365 & ME.

App of the Day

365 Questions, 365 Chances to Understand Yourself.

A daily question, a quick moment just for you – and a chance to see how you change over time.

Become the Best Version of Yourself.

Daily Questions

A new question every day – sometimes deep, sometimes lighthearted, always thought-provoking.

Yearly Comparison

Look back at your past answers and see how you’ve grown.

100 % Private

Your thoughts stay yours – all data is stored safely on your device.

Nutzer 💖 die App.

💛 Best FREE reflective journaling app!

Hands down the most amazing journaling app I’ve ever used.. and I’ve TRIED a lot of them. Lol Love the widget option. It’s a great reminder because you can see the “question of the day “. I’ve found that it’s best to answer the questions either at the end of my day or if I feel compelled to answer it immediately. It’s such a contemplative and reflective app! My favorite concept of this app is that you can see a blurred version of your previous answers to the same questions but from the year prior. You get to appreciate your growth. 💜 ~ Thank you for creating this beautiful app.

💛 Motivation

This makes not only motivated to answer the questions. But makes me learn about myself due to not really knowing myself

💚 Honestly love these little questions

I wanna make a book out of all my answers one day. Sometimes I let the days build up before I can’t answer them so I have more to do. Also some of these questions sound simple but can be thinkers and I will sit on it too haha. Either way, I truly do love this app. I encourage families to get it and maybe have weekly circles or something with it

💜 easy and simple!

i love this app, it’s super easy to use, and i love the ability to reflect on your past entries.

💖 Such a cool idea!

This is such a fun idea and I’m so excited to do it all year!!

💖 Inviting without being demanding, I’d pay for this.

It’s a journal, a pretty nicely made journal app. The questions are thoughtful, better than other prompts I’ve encountered. The best part personally about this app is the slight gamification with a streak counter. It is encouraging and you have a week to journal about a day so if life gets busy you won’t lose your streak if you miss a couple days. I’d pay money for this.